
1st Sunday of Lent A 26 February 2023

25 February 2023

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1st Sunday of Lent A 26 February 2023

Communion Reflection

Lord Jesus, your word is life and joy for me. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may have the strength and courage to embrace your will in all things and to renounce whatever is contrary to it.

Weekday Masses : 05h45
Plus: Mondays 08h30;

Wednesday 08h00 (with school) & 17h30

& Thursday 08h30 & 17h30

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

Fridays: 16h45 17h20

Stations of the Cross:

Mondays 09h10

Wednesdays 19h00


During Stations on Mondays

and Wednesdays

On Thursdays after morning Mass

During Exposition on Fridays

On Saturdays after morning Mass

Lenten Talk:

Saturday mornings after morning Mass


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Our Lenten journey begins:

Like Jesus, we are called to enter the desert. It's there that we will find God. The desert is God's meeting place. Are you prepared to enter your desert space.

What weeds are you going to pull out this lent?

# unforgiveness

# jealousy

# hatred

# indifference

# stealing

# gossiping

# slander

# promiscuity

# telling lies

# etc

.... And what seeds are you going to plant this lent?

# forgiveness

# caring

# sharing

# listening

# not judging

# love

# forgive & forget

# and many more virtues

May this be our prayer this week:

May I have the courage to die little deaths so that I may receive new life.

News from the Youth Group
Saint Thérèse Youth Group is back
with a 9-week Alpha Youth series
during Lent this year.

The series is designed to engage
students in conversations about Life,
Faith, and Jesus.

Every session consists of food, a video,
a discussion, games, and fun.

Starting on Friday 24th February 2023

Age group: 13+

Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm

For more information, please message
Cassandra 066-205-026

Reminder: Lenten Program
Weekday Masses : 05h45

Plus: Mondays 08h30; Wednesday 08h00
(with school) & 17h30

& Thursday 08h30 & 17h30

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:

Fridays: 16h45 17h20

Stations of the Cross:

Mondays 09h10

Wednesdays 19h00


During Stations on Mondays

and Wednesdays

On Thursdays after morning Mass

During Exposition on Fridays

On Saturdays after morning Mass

Lenten Talk:

Saturday mornings after morning Mass

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    If you have not received newsletter please send request to gregoryd@nexthost.co.za

    Mass intentions are to be booked through the office ONLY You can phone or WhatsApp your request: 0824444665 (emergency only after office hours)

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