Dear St. Thérèse Parishioner (s),
It is that time of the year again, if you have completed the census form in 2021 and none of your details have changed there is no need to complete the census form for 2022 as we have recorded your details.
If you are completing for the first time, each individual family member would need to complete the below census information questionnaire. Parents to complete for those children who are unable too. If a certain section does not pertain to you, please mark as N/A.
We realize that this task may take a few minutes of your time, but the updated information you provide will be invaluable to us. Please know how much your assistance is appreciated in this project. If there is anything that you need from us, please do not hesitate to call the parish office at +27 11 453 7716
Thank you and God Bless!
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