Public Holiday Tuesday 21st of March Lent A
Lord, I give you all that I am this day. Please brush away my weariness, so that I may be inspired in my work. Help me to discover new ways to reveal your love to all I meet. Keep my mind clear and focused on all I need to achieve, and give me the wisdom to overcome difficulties and find solutions
Tuesday 21st March - Public Holiday no 5h45am Mass
Mass: 8h30am
Weekday Masses : 05h45
Plus: Mondays 08h30,
Wednesday 08h00 (with school) & 17h30
& Thursday 08h30 & 17h30
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament:
Fridays: 16h45 – 17h20
Stations of the Cross:
Mondays 09h10
Wednesdays 19h00
During Stations on Mondays
and Wednesdays
On Thursdays after morning Mass
During Exposition on Fridays
On Saturdays after morning Mass
Lenten Talk:
Saturday mornings after morning Mass
Weekend Masses: Saturday 8am
Sunday: 07h30 ; 09h30 ; 17h00
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Mass intentions are to be booked through the office ONLY You can phone or WhatsApp your request: 082–444–4665 (emergency only after office hours)