
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Edenvale Conference – Request for Support

1 July 2020

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Over many years, the parishioners of St. Therese Edenvale have been outstanding in their generosity, through the Lenten collections, the weekly Mass collections, and the Good Friday collection .

Our parish conference of the Society of St Vincent de Paul has been using, your contributions to the SVDP Poor Boxes at the entrances to the church, to support current and previous parishioners in distress plus a number of other destitute people and residents of Edenvale. These families and individuals have come to depend on assistance from us.

The Covid-19 lockdown has caused our aforementioned source of funds to dry up. As matters stand, we shall run out of funds in a matter of months , leaving those who depend on us to suffer greatly.

Recognizing fully, the request by the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee for funds, we humbly ask you to assist us also, even in a small way, to keep us going by making an EFT contribution to our Bank account, at least until we can see the church doors opening for “normalized” worship sometime in the future. Contributions may be made to the following bank account:

Name: Society of St Vincent de Paul
Bank: FNB
Branch: Greenstone 201510
Account Number: 54681524731
Reference may consist of your name, or “Anonymous” , as you so wish.

Should you wish to receive a Section 18A tax certificate for the donation, please provide your Name and a Contact Number so we can contact you to arrange for a certificate to be issued.

Thanking you in anticipation and our Conference is praying that God may bless you and your families during this time.

Yours in Christ
Geoff Mowatt
President Saint Vincent de Paul Society Edenvale Conference

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