The Society of St Vincent de Paul wishes to thank all parishioners for an exceptional response to our call for financial help during the lockdown.
Your generosity has enabled us to support all our existing cases and other ad hoc cases that required our support during this period.
While the Parish remains in lockdown over the coming weeks and, if possible, please consider continuing to contribute to the Society so we can continue supporting the needy and homeless of our area.
The society’s bank account is as follow:
Account Holder; Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Bank: FNB;
branch Greenstone 201510;
Account No 54681524731;
Reference: Donation, Anon or your name.
Thank you once again and the Society will remember all the members of the Parish in our prayers and wishing you God’s richest blessings over this difficult time.
Yours Sincerely
Geoff Mowatt
President Saint Vincent de Paul Edenvale Conference
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